James Wolf is a Seattle based writer with a specialization in narrative fiction and non-fiction. His degree is an MFA in Cinema and Comparative Literature with an emphasis on modernism in digital cinema. Wolf was raised in a small town north of Portland, Oregon. No one goes there anymore.He attended school in Seattle, Washington at the University of Washington. He still lives in Seattle. His work has been featured in The Stranger, The Salal Review, Poetry, and other local magazines. His creative consulting company Sevenstrike is a represented llc in Washington State with all rights reserved and marked as of 2018; the work is primarily script coverage and story consultation for non-union projects, but is available for multiple creative formats. Wolf has published 3 collections of short stories (work/worker, Heartbreak Storybook, Immovable Unstoppable Liquids), an audiobook (Halftone), a collaborative book of poetry and illustration and currently has 2 optioned scripts for preproduction.