Vecinas – Natalia Sardi – Belgium

Partly autobiographical, “Vecinas” is the story of two solitudes brought closer by the laws of magnetism.

Director Biography – Natalia Sardi

I am Natalia Sardi, I am both Argentinean and Brazilian and my roots are Italian.
I have lived in Brussels for 11 years. I am a dancer, a choreographer and a singer. I am the director of my short films and a student of art photography.
Working in our own familiar living surroundings I look for gaps in our reality. I am searching for a more obscure take on the world hoping to discover subtle differences or something bigger and more fantastic.
In my research, the human body forms part of this landscape both inside and out.
A fusion of bodies in space, the body as object, the female body, all exist as a natural extension of that space.

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