Thuis (Home) – Jeyda Yagiz – Moya De Feyter – Belgium

Home’ shows a family in their house during a storm. As the outside forces come closing in, they are unable to move, unable to act and unable to communicate. They just sit and let the catastrophe happen.Director

Moya De Feyter wrote two books of poetry that were published by Uitgeverij Vrijdag, Tot iemand eindelijk (Until someone finally, 2018) and Massastrandingen (Mass strandings, 2019). She travels through Flanders and the Netherlands to present her work through poetry performances. Recently, she founded Klimaatdichters (, a community of Dutch and Flemish poets who want to raise their voice for the climate, inspired by Poets for the Planet (

Jeyda Yagiz received her training as a graphic designer in Surrey, England and currently works as a creative director for a video production company. She worked as a photographer, set designer, illustrator and graphic designer. ‘Thuis’ (Home) is Jeyda and Moya’s first project as a collective that explores puppetry, poetry and film making.

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