SUBMIT Videos | Poems | Essays

Thousands of people from all around the world visit our platform every day. A vibrating community of artists and academics share videos, poems and essays gaining access to an international public in great interest for contemporary art, theory and culture. The Institute for Experimental Arts publish and promote your artworks, offer an amazing field of presentation, empowers creative collaborations and communication for 21st century avant-garde and experimental artists.

You can SUBMIT your artwork to through the specific forms you will find bellow. You retain 100% of all rights to your intellectual property.

Add Your Submission

You can submit your video poems and video art via wetransfer or by sending us a Vimeo link

In the description you must include:
– short bio of the artists and the countries they come from
– analytical text about the submitted work
– director’s note

– add the category of your video in the tags (video art, video poetry, kinestasis, visual poetry, spoken word, collage, machine, animation, dance, performance).

We watch all the submissions and respond within one month, but, due to the volume we receive, the wait may be longer. We respond only to the submissions that we have selected.

In order to publish your video, please checkout the video upload fee.

Video upload fee: 10,00 €

Your payment is secured through

    Your Email*

    Video Title*

    Video url

    We-transfer Link

    Video Director*

    Video Description*

    Bio Paragraph


    Attached File*(Still Image - jpeg or png | max upload 3MB)



    Paypal Payment ID*

    Poetry is reviewed on a rolling basis. We accept submissions any time during the year. Send up to three poems (in a single document) per submission, but please do not submit more than twice in three months.

    We accept only translations of poems in English.

    You can submit up to 3 poems.
    Please include in the “Poet” section of the form your name, country and a short bio written in the third person

    Attach one photo of you in jpg format.

    You can submit previously published work. You can send us work that has appeared elsewhere on the internet or in print.

    There is no word limit. Long poems are very welcome.

    We are especially interested on social aware, anti racist, political poetry, as also to romantic and existential poets. We enjoy publishing poets from small underground scenes in small countries of the global periphery, poetry of social minorities and of particular suppressed races, identities, social backgrounds and classes.

    We read all submissions and strive to respond within three months, but, due to the volume we receive, the wait may be longer. We respond only to all submissions that we have selected.

    You can submit your poem using the form bellow.

    In order to publish your poem, please checkout the poem upload fee.

    Poem upload fee: 5,00 €

    Your payment is secured through

      Your Email*


      Poem Title*

      Bio Paragraph



      Attached File*(Photo jpeg or png | max upload 3MB)

      Attached File*(word file or text | max upload 2MB)


      Paypal Payment ID*

      In this section you may submit academic essays and research papers in the fields of poetry, video art, cinema, video poetry, contemporary art as also social critical theory.

      All manuscripts should include a title (including your name, country and contact info).

      Manuscripts should be paginated and formatted in an easy-to-read font. Please include all notes in the end of the paper and a brief bio or something about yourself in the end of all text.

      There is no words limit.

      Please attach only one piece per submission.

      Please provide us Title, Name, Small Bio in third person, and doc word file with your essay.

      All submissions should be submitted as a DOC, DOCX.

      You can submit following the attachment form bellow

        Your Email*



        Academic Field

        Bio Paragraph


        Attached File(word file or text | max upload 2MB)

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