Situs Inversus Vincerum Totalis- Ian Gibbins- Australia

This video is part of “Body of Evidence”, a multi-medium exhibition inspired by the impact of art on health held at the Adelaide Convention Centre 30 May – 1 July, 2016 featuring John Blines, Gina Czarnecki & The Australian Dance Theatre, Meg Cowell, Ian Gibbins, Naomi Hunter, Cheryl Hutchens, Hans Kreiner, Kerryn Levy, Deborah Prior, Damien Shen, Angela Valamanesh & Thomas Yeend. Curated by Carollyn Kavanagh.

‘Situs Inversus Viscerum Totalis’ is rare birth abnormality in which the positions of the internal organs are reversed. Sometimes, the internal organs are duplicated in mirror image, which is fatal. This video takes those ideas to generate mirror symmetrical images derived from Ian’s videos of living cells, his body, and the Adelaide Convention Centre. The soundtrack is made from sounds recorded at the Convention Centre. The quotes come from a well-known human embryology textbook. A different version of the video was projected onto the windows of the Convention Centre. You can see it here:

Ian’s other contributions to this exhibition can be seen at:

This version of the video was selected and screened at the 5th International Video Poetry Festival, Athens, December, 2016.

Screened at VASTLab LiveScore, Burbank, CA, March, 2020.

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