Respiro – luisa Carcavale – Italy

Respiro is a video work which intensely dialogues with the viewer, proposing a highly unsettling visual metaphor.

Its intent is to produce an immersive and engaging sensory experience which , at times , can also be disturbing to those who observe it.

Respiro has led me to a strongly intimate imaginary realm , causing to reflect on all those causes and effects that have, in my personal artistic research , caused the social changes that I live.

Respiro is conceived as a video installation, a single projection in an empty room, where the music and the images that follow one another envelop both the protagonist and the spectator.

This condition is designed to trigger a reaction that stimulates that special creative ability to relive, by viewing the projection, a very personal physical emotion.

The sensations that are created range from the well-being that comes from living within one’s comfort zone, to recognizing the courage to resist by not abandoning a certain condition, from the overwhelming sense of apnea , to regaining the ability to breathe deeply , something which relieves us when we feel as if we are suffocating.

The filmic construction of this work is imagined and created to produce, through an intense dialogue with the original soundtrack, a clearly recognizable rhythm which, combined with the aesthetic component, already present in my other works, redefines a visual path, which aroused certain sensations normally only strictly physical.

The recurring presence of plastic , its transparencies and its reflections, the continuous alternation of air within it which changes its shape, as well as the perception of the body on which it rests, is a symbolic element with an open meaning which also has the goal to shine a light on the recent environmental issues .

Luisa Carcavale I’m born in Eboli, where developed my first artistic skills, initially with drawing, then moved on to oil painting to later discover photography and performing video.
I’m specialized in Visual Communication at La Sapienza University, studying contemporary art and video art language in Rome.
I’m specialized in the photography sector by attending several workshops in Rome and at the International Center of Photography in New York. I began my career as a celebrities photographer portraitist working with the most important Italian music industries with the which one I make my first video clips, with one of these I received an award like a “Best Director” during the Rome Film Festival. Now I work like phototgrapher for important magazine, music label and with Film Industry. At the same time I develop my own artistic projects which over the years I has exhibited in various European cities, including Milan, London and Biel. Hotel Obsession Series, born in 2017 is an open work that has been going on for two years, was exhibited at the Prague Photo Festival in 2018 and won a publication on the Creative Quarterly Journal of Art and Design in New York in 2019. My last work “The Lockdown People” a portraits series made around the world by web, developed during 2020 Lockdown’s months , was published on most important magazine in Europe. My last film work is “Respiro” , 2019.

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