Time , that specific characteristic of the human being. This particular
dimension of everyone’s life, which sometimes flows fast and stressfully
and some other times flows slowly and torturously. This mega repressor
which gives the rhythm to our everyday lives and sometimes does not
stop even when facing silence. However, Man is the one who can beat it,
by imposing one and only one PAUSE. Every pause, no matter how
small it may be, is always a victory over time.
The Video Poem “Pause” is based on the homonymous poem of the
Greek poet Anastasia Gkitsi and was first presented in printed style at
in 2016, accompanying the works of 15 visual artists.
In the video, the unbroken relationship between time and pause is
presented by the Videoartist Janni Kolotouros through three different
visual, musical and lingual themes by turns , however maintaining the
conceptual cohesion.
The original musical composition by the musician Ilias Chadjoglou.
French speaking by Marloes Frei.
In English Natalie Maxson.
In Greek Anastasia Gkitsi.
The German translation was done by Katharina Liatzoura.
Anastasia Gkitsi was born in Thessaloniki. She is a teacher of theology in
Secondary Education with postgraduate studies in Greece and abroad
(Chambésy / Switzerland). She has created the SYGORMA artistic triptych
where poetry, visual arts, music and new technologies are mutually
encompassing and harmonized. Many of her articles, studies, translations
and poems have been published in collective volumes, newspapers, magazines, anthologies.
Her monologues were delivered on stage by Contract Ensemble and some of her poems
were performed by Trickortreal and Persona non grata.
Griechischer Kunstclub Nürnberg e.V and Global Art Nürnberg e.V.
Janni Kolotouros born in Fürth – Germany, Janni Kolotouros is a photo-media designer,
who has been involved in video art for years. He is a member of the artistic group Griechischer
Kunstclub Nürnberg e.V and has participated with his photographic works in group exhibitions.
He is currently creating video-poems and videotaping a feature-length film.