Out – Costas Lamproulis – Greece

Confinement and exit. Privacy and public life. Alienation and reconnection. Everything passes through the non-place, under the shadow of the capital Π…
A life-size door is set up at five key points of Larissa (Greece). Passers-by interact and a group of artists attempts improvised performances. The spontaneous stories that emerge challenge the present of the new reality.

Director Biography – Costas Lamproulis

Born in Larissa-Greece in 1969. He studied economics, creative writing and film direction in Brussels-Belgium where he lived for 10 years. Since 1997 he lives in Greece and keeps traveling and working around Europe. His work as a writer includes two featured film scripts (“Games in Eden” by S. Belessi and “Three Moments” by P. Sevastikoglou), several plays and musicals (“The Rubbish’s Rubsody” performed for three consecutive years in Athens, “What a Nice Sex!” that was touring for two years in Greece and Cyprus, “Truth”, “One Penny Musical” and more) as well as translations and adaptations (David Mamet, William Shakespeare and more). For the screen he has directed several shorts, documentaries, music videos, corporate videos and advertisements. For the stage he has directed thirty three performances (theatre, operas, music theatre, dance theatre and interdisciplinary performances) in Greece, Belgium, Germany, Cyprus, Denmark, Italy, Hungary and The Netherlands, including: “Carmen” (Greek Music and Theatre Critics Association award, 2010), “Romeo and Juliet”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “La Traviata”, “The Magic Flute”, “Paramyfiko”, “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Dogville” and more. He conceived and artistically led large-scale European cooperation projects and co-productions such as “EUtropia”, “Un-Label” (2nd “Inclusion Award”, German Gold-Kraemer-Foundation, “Power of The Arts” award) and “ImPArt”. He is a methodology developer in social inclusion through arts and he is permanently giving workshops in drama and creative writing. Since 2001, he is founding member and Artistic Director of SMouTh (Synergy of Music Theatre), a leading artistic association based in Larissa, Greece, organising stage creations and productions, creative workshops, annual festivals and European co-operations.

Director Statement

The door that symbolises the confinement but also the exit, the same door that ensures our privacy and at the same time connects us to the outside world, this door becomes an occasion for associations of the recent situation and inspiration towards the new perspectives that open.

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