Liverpool, Breeningly Bright – Finn Harvor – South Korea

A videopoem based on a trip to Liverpool. This is a legendary working class town that has been hit hard by the forces of globalization and neoliberalism. Yet its working class lifestyle lives on … albeit more so on the margins.

Working class life (which I lived for many years) tends to be erased from the world of high art. Yet it is the foundation of social life — and always has been. This video poem is an attempt to capture something about the lives of ordinary people in a town that has been radically changed by economic forces. I do not want to romanticize its past; there was brutality there also. But the Brave New World of service industries and the “new economy” is leaving a lot of people behind.

Director Biography – Finn Harvor

Award-winning artist, writer, musician, filmmaker. Articles in many journals including the Brooklyn Rail and Canadian Notes and Queries. Have presented to academic conferences in Oxford, Bath, Liverpool, Berlin, Seoul, Osaka, and elsewhere. Selected by festivals in Korea, Ireland, the U.K., the US, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Australia, Greece, Pakistan, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Russia, and India.

Director Statement

I’m particularly interested in the following themes: nature and the anthropocene, addiction and family dynamics (my late brother’s story), and technology and contemporary war. I usually make videopoems that I term authorial movies; these are movies in which one person creates — authors — all elements of the movie.

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