JAM on the Marsh- Call for Visual Artists 2021
Vibrant, multi-arts festival, JAM on the Marsh, has opened its free Call for Visual Artists. New or existing works welcome. Launched for artists in any medium, we are looking for exhibitions and installations to be displayed on Kent’s Romney Marsh (8th – 18th July 2021) and via jamconcert.org until December.
JAM on the Marsh features world-class music, art, theatre, photography, poetry and workshops. In its 8th season, JAM on the Marsh draws a festival audience of c.17,000 through outstanding live and virtual events. Our publicity reaches 5.8 million people worldwide via TV, radio, press, digital and social media. Selected artists will be able to sell work via jamconcert.org with no commission fee.
Deadline 01 March 2021
JAM on the Marsh Festival, Kent
Twitter: @JAMontheMarsh
Facebook: @JAMontheMarsh
Apply here