Four Contemporary Poets from Greece (video poems anthology) by the Institute for Experimental Arts
The Institute for Experimental Arts and poetry platform filmpoetry.org invited by Versopolis – -Festival of Hope presents four (4) contemporary poets from Athens Greece. This short anthology includes three video poems and a spoken word live performance. We offer a snapshot from the vibrating underground poetry scene of Athens in a period of social crises caused by a decade of neo-liberal austerity measures and the catastrophic global pandemic of covid-19.
The new generation of Greek poets participate in social movements and self-organized social spaces, occupied social centers, demonstrations, riots and assemblies manifesting an underground cultural network of creativity and resistance. Poets and writers, musicians, video artists and cinematographers, directors, actors, bands and theater groups manifest a network of social aware contemporary artists beyond formality and market rules, against all oppressive systems.
Athens underground scene, hidden from the mass media and the art industry publish books and records, organize art and theater shows, massive free concerts at the public spaces, performances, poetry nights and festivals- gatherings of thousands of young people, meeting points of a new generation fighting for dignity and emancipation.
“Paid Rape”
poetry- performance: Sissy Doutsiou
directed by Tasos Sagris
music: Biomass
The video is part of the theater show “4.48 Psychosis” by Sarah Kane directed by Tasos Sagris with Sissy Doutsiou at the main role
“We will meet at the corner Tositsa & Patision st.”
poetry: Poppy Delta
video: Kinimatini
music: Trip Maker Young
“Secure connection failed”
poetry: Tasos Tzortzatos
cinematography: Yannis Lianos
music: Kostis Gardikis
+more video poems from spoken word multi media collective Lokatola HERE
“Find a way to meet each other”
poetry / video direction: Tasos Sagris
music: Whodoes
LIVE Performance from “Financial Consequences” International Poetry Festival organized by the Institute for Experimental Arts at London School Of Economics (2019). Video fragments are from the original video included in the theater show “Night (Yard Gal)” by Rebecca Prichard – directed by Tasos Sagris
+ SEE the official video clip from the album “Phenomenology of the Guilotine” (eng. subs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX98jJQyH78&t=0s
Four Contemporary poets from Athens
produced by +the Institute for Experimantal Arts http://theinstitute.info
as a participation to Versopolis festival 2021
video edit: Mattea Riu
MORE video poems, news, e-learning and theory at the new platform: http://filmpoetry.org
opening date: 1 March 2021