Time takes us all, playfully, painfully, beautifully.
Mironel de Wilde began film making in 2002 with a small camera bought in Singapore after travelling there overland from Tibet. He was keen to capture and share his own journey to find the meaning of life. He didn’t have a clue what he was doing though, so Entering the Lotus (2003) was filmed without enough light and without any plan, but it gave him a calling to film that has endured till today.
His other major calling is personal and spiritual development. After a youth spent as a political and environmental activist, he considered the best contribution he could make to humanity is supporting growth in consciousness. His two documentaries Through the Eastern Gate (2007) and A Pilgrim’s Way (2008) are in many ways autobiographical. Mironel began his exploration of the inner space with Tibetan Buddhism and he took refuge with the Dalai Lama in 2001. He went on to in-depth study of Indian yoga and became baptized Orthodox Christian in 2002. He also embraced Islam with a Sufi Sheikh in Istanbul during the filming of Through the Eastern Gate.
Growth in consciousness doesn’t need to be connected with any spiritual system or religion. It is a personal examination of our humanity, our connection with ourselves, each other and the planet we share. Mironel has dedicated his life to growing this connection in his personal life, his teachings and through his films.