Calling Disabled Creatives
Submissions for issue 3 are open until August 14th
What’s the theme? They have decided that this zine is for their team and contributors to make whatever feels most authentic, whether you want to express joy, anger, hope or pain. Issue 3 will honestly reflect what it means and feels like to be disabled in our current climate/society – very much an exploration and reflection of online disability community, crip culture and our joy, hurt and creativity. Issue 3 is freedom.
They welcome any and all experiences of disability and accept just about any and all creative mediums:
-Written pieces no more than 1,000 words
-Art, painting, mixed media,collage
💌Email your work to
Please include the title of your piece along with the name you want to be published under, your Instagram handle as well as a short description of your submission and your idea behind it.
Please note that we can’t accept every submission we receive, you will be contacted after the deadline if we’d like to publish your piece.
They can’t wait to see all your fab creations!
Illustration by the icon @cockneycowgirl
Graphic by @elliedarbyp