Borametz – Yannick Mosimann – Switzerland

Borametz – half plant, half animal – hybrid of the incurably vegetable lamb, which as a four-legged plant is firmly attached to the ground and complains about nature – what does it want to tell us, outside in the drizzle, inconsolable and outraged, when it speaks one last time?

Yannick Mosimann, (born 1989 in Bern, Switzerland) is a filmmaker, sound artist and photographer. He studied at the University of Arts in Lucerne, Switzerland in the bachelor programme where he graduated with the short film “How i disappeared” which was shown at several Film Festivals in Switzerland and abroad.

Next to his body of work including various films and video installations, he also maintains a collaborative practice with a diverse spread of artists, be it in his role as filmmaker or musician.

Together with Rea Dubach, a musician and vocal performer based in Biel, Yannick co-founded a virtual exchange plattform for film/music/photography/drawing with the aim of creating a fluid workflow between artists.

At the moment he is continuing his studies in the MA Contemporary Arts Practice programme at the “Hochschule der Künste” in Bern.

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