Bacteria- Jan Peeters- Paul Bogaert- Belgium

Visual artist and experimental filmmaker Jan Peeters (1978) lives and works in Ghent, Belgium. In his artistic practice, Jan Peeters currently focuses on so-called ‘iconotextual’ works: he merges words (and more precisely, texts that are set typographically) and moving images (with emphasis on filmic images) to form visual-textual unities of content, which cannot be categorised as either pure image or pure text. In these ‘reading films’ he brings together the languages of literature and visual art, without focussing necessarily on certain implicit elements of mainstream film, such as narration, acting or characters. He has taken part with his works in exhibitions and festivals in Belgium and abroad. His poetry films were selected at some major international poetry film festivals, such as International Video Poetry Festival (Athens), ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival (Münster/Berlin), Co-Kisser Poetry-Film Festival (Minneapolis), International Festival of Videopoetry by VideoBardo (Buenos Aires) and La Parola Immaginata by Trevigliopoesia (Italy).

directors: Paul Bogaert & Jan Peeters
poetPaul Bogaert
poem 1: ‘onzekerheden 12’ (uncertainties 12), from: Ons verlangen (Our Longing), published by De Bezige Bij Antwerpen, 2013.
poem 2: ‘Een twee drie emmers…’, unpublished yet.
editing: Jan Peeters
footage: Color it clean (University of Illinois – Motion Picture Service, 1966) / Bacteria: Friend and Foe (Encyclopdia Brittanica Film, Inc, 1953), Prelinger Archives.
sound: sound samples from / music samples from Seeburg Background Music: Mood M 17A (1963) and Mood M 15B (1962).
year of production: 2014
country of production: Belgium
format: DV PAL
aspect ratio: 4:3 (1.33:1)
colour: colour
sound: stereo
runtime: 6 min 18 s
→ Poetry International Festival Rotterdam, 10-14 June 2014, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (PREMIERE).
→ FilmPoem Festival 2014, 14 June 2014, part of Felix Poetry Festival, Antwerp, Belgium.
→ ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival (competition), 16-19 October 2014, in Babylon Cinema, Berlin, Germany.
→ Terras, tijdschrift voor internationale literatuur en kunst, online publication of the original Dutch version ‘BACTERIËN’, 20 October 2014.
→ Perdu, Presentatie Terras 07: Nieuw land, 21 November 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
→ Oslo internasjonale poesifestival, 31 January 2015, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway.
→ Berlinale-Asyl, 12 February 2015, Freies Museum Berlin, Germany.
→ VKRATZE!, short film festival, 6 & 7 March 2015, in Volgograd and Volzhsky, Russia.
→ Best of ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2014, POETRY 2015, 6 May 2015, cinema Schlosstheater, Münster, Germany.
→ 16. Poesiefestival Berlin, 27 June 2015, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany.
→ dotdotdot Open Air Kurzfilmfestival, beyond words. Poetische streifzüge auf der Leinwand und durch die Stadt, 6 August 2015, Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde, Vienna, Austria.
→ 39th Open Air Filmfest Weiterstadt, 15 August 2015, Berlin, Germany.
→ Struga Poetry Evenings – Festival 2015, 28 August 2015, Struga, Macedonia.
→ 3rd Long Night of the Film Festivals, 29 August 2015, Berlin, Germany.
→ 6th International Poetry Festival MERIDIAN CZERNOWITZ, 5 September 2015, Chernivtsi, Ukrania.
→ CYCLOP Video Poetry Festival, 21 November 2015 Kiev, Ukraine.
→ DOCtorCLIP – Roma International Poetry Film Festival, 11 December 2015, Rome, Italy.
→ Typo Magazine, TYPO 24, 25 April 2016, Online poetry magazine. Established 2003. Based in Fayetteville, Arkansas/Springfield, Illinois, USA, online publication of the English version BACTERIA.
→ 6th International Animation Festival NIKOZI, in ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival programme (4 September), 1-6 September 2016, Nikozi, Georgia.
→ Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016, Dies ist, was wir teilen, Flandern & die Niederlande Ehrengast 2016, exhibition in guest pavillion, 19-23 October 2016, Frankfurt, Germany.
→ 5th International Video Poetry Festival, by +the Institute [for Experimental Arts] and Void Network, 10 December 2016, at Θ­εατρο Εμπρος, Athens, Greece.
→ West Wednesdays, projection by Kulter in the M4gastatelier in the building complex Tetterode, 8 March 2017, Amsterdam-West, the Netherlands.
→ Short Waves Festival 2017, organized by Fundacja Ad Arte, 22 March 2017, Poznan, Poland.
→ Poesía en Voz Alta.17, 29 March – 2 April 2017, Casa del Lago, Mexico City, Mexico.
→ 2018 Lyrik-Film, Der Zauber des Alltäglichen, 21-23 September 2018, The Purple Mountain Theater & Goethe Institut China, Nanjing, China.
IN / BETWEEN PLACES, curated by Alexander Schellow (ERG) and Alexander Streitberger (UCLouvain), 12-19 March 2020, Galerie Erg, L’Ecole de Recherche Graphique (l’ERG), Brussels, Belgium. [The exhibition was cut short immediately after the opening, due to the coronavirus lockdown.]
Place Magazine, Hors-serie / Special Issue 6, March 2020, online publication.
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