Asomaton – Mirsini Chatzigeorgiou – Greece

The camera makes a slow journey between ruins that look like bodies or
between bodies that look like ruins. Bodies like traces, without material
substance. Ιncorporeal (asomata).
The 3D objects that make up the video-sculpture come from recordings of
small incomplete moments, such as a hug, a touch or a kiss, which memory
tries to preserve but is unable to reproduce faithfully.
The excerpts are from the famous 7th chapter of the book Rayuela
(Hopscotch) by the Argentine author Julio Cortasar, in which he describes, in a wonderfully unique way a kiss.
Sound excerpts from Bizet’s opera The Pearl Fishers–  Enrico Caruso “Mi Par D’Udir Ancora”, recording 1904, Milano.

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