A Summary – Ntombi Masuku – Zimbabwe

In this poem, Ntombi expresses how feelings of anxiety and mediocrity come down to one thing, insecurity. From not feeling safe in your surroundings, to not feeling safe within yourself, this poem dives into the mixed emotions of what these states of minds bestow on us.

Director Biography – Ntombi Masuku

Hailing from Harare, Zimbabwe. Ntombi’s love for the entertainment industry began through writing plays and movie ideas all before she was 10 years old. As a shy child, she fell in love with being able to express herself by performing in school plays. The stage was where she felt at home. At 18 she performed in an adaption of “Cats”, as Jemima and that solidified her decision to pursue a career in the industry. She explored her passion more by doing an internship at a media house, where she got to produce and edit videos for advertisements. Ntombi then moved to South Africa to study towards a degree in film. After being exposed to multiple disciplines in her first year, she felt like film directing was her calling, and graduated with a double major in directing and screenwriting, her current profession. She has had her short films shown at various film festivals around the world. Her heart is within the Zimbabwean industry, as she hopes to be a part of building it up with production companies such as Invision Studios and Cmedia, whom she has worked with.

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